Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February 1, 2016

The people in my ward are so sweet. I mentioned a week ago that I'm trying to go gluten-free because I may or may not be allergic to gluten, and they keep giving me gluten-free pancake mix and brownie mix and all kinds of stuff.

Also, I don't know why I called her Peggy last week, but her name is definitely Penny and she's set for baptism on February 13! We've had some really awesome lessons with her and in this one lesson she cried and cried because the Spirit was so dense and it was great. The only thing is that TRANSFERS is this week, and we have no idea what's happening, so hopefully Sister Munger and I will both get to be at her baptism.

We met this really interesting man the other day...super interesting. He was walking by so we stopped to talk to him and we told him we're from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and he's like, "Ooooh, nah, that's not for me" and he kept talking and then he stops and he's like, "You're Jehovah's Witnesses, right?" And we told him we're not and then he says, "Seventh Day Adventists?" And we finally told him we're Mormons and that seemed better to him, and as we were talking to him it because increasingly obvious that he's absolutely insane. He told us we need to get all our people to vote for Al Gore this year because he's the only person who can bring world peace, and then we asked his name and he said, " . . . All I can give you right now is Doug, cuz I haven't picked a last name yet." And then he told us that he was born with the wrong skin color and that he was robbed of his land and that he sold his soul to "his god" for one wish but it was the wrong wish and now he has to live with that for the rest of his life and we told him we're sorry about that and he's like, "Don't be sorry, I wished for this, I brought this on myself and there's nothing you can do for me." So that was all interesting. And then he started to walk away but he turns back and says, "Hey wait! are either of you single?" And we stood there like, "uhhhh . . . we're missionaries." And he kept asking us if we were single and we tried to explain to him that we don't date as missionaries and he's like, "Well, if I can't find a date for February 14, you guys should meet me at this place for a cup of coffee" and then we're like, "Sorry man, we don't drink coffee." But he was super persistent and finally we said, "Oh wait, February 14 is Sunday, so we'll be in church. All day." And he finally walked away saying we'd have to get together and set something up another time. So that's my fun story of the week.

Our last district picture this transfer! 

On Wednesday we went to try one of our potential investigators that lives in an apartment building and we knocked on their door and they weren't home, but the lady next door opened her door instead and said, "Were you knocking on my door?" We told her we weren't, but then we started talking to her and now she's a new investigator! She's interesting. She's kind of an older lady and our conversation went something like this: "My name is Lanora, sorry about my cigarette, your church doesn't believe in smoking, right? So if I joined I would have to quit? Okay. I've been trying to quit because my lungs are in really bad shape and I have this awful disease and I'm in stage 6/7 and stage 7 is death and I'm probably going to die pretty soon and I just quit smoking marijuana 2 days ago, I'm still trying to get the smell out of my house, oh and here's my 2 cats.

Here's a couple Winston Churchill quotes:
"Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm."
"The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is."
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity. An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."

~Sister Temp

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