Wednesday, January 6, 2016

December 28, 2015

I'm emailing later than usual because of a huge winter storm that's coming through. President Gardner grounded all the missionaries, but he ungrounded us for a couple hours to hurry and email and shop, and then we have to go back home and be grounded again. Not that I mind. I'd rather go home and sleep anyway.

We have had so many miracles this week! Not like major miracles, but a bunch of baby miracles. We did a LOT of tracting this week because we have about 2.5 investigators and people are generally nicer around Christmas time so we thought that would be a good idea, and it actually was! We handed out those "A Savior is Born" cards like candy and people kept saying that we could come back and talk to them more! People never say that when we tract into them! It was crazy.
We had a lesson with one of our investigators, Katherine, who's this sweet 16 year old girl from Iraq. Her family isn't very interested but she loves learning. We were worried she would never accept the Book of Mormon but we asked her if she had a chance to read and pray about it and she said she did! And she was almost in tears when she told us she knew it was true and it was the word of God. I've never taught anyone who's so sincere. And then we asked if she would be baptized and she said no. But that's okay, she wants to be baptized, she just doesn't want to yet. It'll work out.
Christmas Eve and Christmas were pretty great. The members here are so sweet. They kept inviting us over and feeding us treats, because that's what you do on Christmas. Christmas Eve dinner, the members had these little poppers (Like the cute little poppers they use in British television, like Doctor Who or Harry Potter.) and they had little gifts in them and paper crowns and it was so fun. 

​This is delayed, but here's a group picture we took with Elder and Sister Martino when they came for the mission tour. I was still with Sister Tiritilli then, but you can see Sister Munger in the polka dot dress, so we're basically together.

Quote of the Week: (New Years Themed!)
"The Holy Ghost doesn’t tell us to improve everything at once. If He did, we would become discouraged and give up. The Spirit works with us at our own speed, one step at a time, or as the Lord has taught, 'line upon line, precept upon precept.' The atoning sacrifice of the Savior is what makes perfection or sanctification possible. We could never do it on our own, but God’s grace is sufficient to help us. . . Be persistent, brothers and sisters, but never be discouraged. We will have to go beyond the grave before we actually reach perfection, but here in mortality we can lay the foundation. 'It is our duty to be better today than we were yesterday, and better tomorrow than we are today.'” 

~Larry R. Lawrence ("What Lack I Yet?")

​Here's our Christmas tree! Yes, it's wearing a sombrero. 

~Sister Temp

Snow. Everywhere. Always.

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